Van Driver Needed
Feel called to drive the van occasionally to transport folks to worship? Please contact Pastor John.
Special Lenten Offering for Global Refuge:
This Lent, our special offering is for Global Refuge (formerly Lutheran Immigration and
Refugee Services), a faith-based national nonprofit dedicated to helping restore a sense of
home to immigrants, asylum seekers, and refugees. We provide financial assistance this
Lent at a very challenging time as Global Refuge continues its important work supporting
immigrants and refugees in the US.
To make your Lent offering, please give to “Peace Lutheran Church,” marked
“Lent Offering.”
Altar Guild Folks Needed
Feel called to serve by preparing the Communion elements and helping to decorate the sanctuary for worship? Contact Jeanie Correa
Lenten Soup Suppers
Sign up at the Welcome Table to bring soup and bread for the soup suppers 6 pm on Wednesdays, now through April 9. Questions? Ask Nancy Heavey
Join the Gospel Choir
Rehearsals are first, second, and third Thursdays at 6 pm. Gospel Choir sings in 11 am worship second and fourth Sundays. Share the gift of your voice in song. Questions? Contact Michael Green
Faith and Labor Coalition
Are you interested in representing Peace by serving on a local Faith and Labor Coalition, lifting up workers’ rights and participating in organized initiatives to support folks who are struggling in our community? Please contact Brendan Nelson or Pastor John.
Peace Clothing Closet
Peace clothing closet is open Monday & Friday from 6-7 pm. If you would like to donate items, please contact Jeanie Correa at
Lent, Holy Week, and Easter Events & Information
Sunday Adult & Older Youth Classes in Lent at 9:45 am through April 13
We will view and discuss the moving movie Origin. Based on the book Caste, Origin explores the hierarchies which wound the human spirit and divide us from each other. Lent, a season of self-reflection and commitment to transformation, is the perfect time to face the truth of our societal and cultural sins of discrimination, racism, and caste and, through the power of God’s Spirit, help us commit to living into hope for a more life-giving future for ourselves and for everyone. Led by the Anti-Racism work group.
Peace Lutheran Church Events & Information
Bread for the World Offering of Letters Sunday April 27
This year’s Offering of Letters focuses on two priorities:
1. Fully funding and strengthening the WIC (Women, Infants, and Children) nutrition program in the US.
2. Provide robust funding for global nutrition, which saves millions of lives across the world.
Stay tuned for more background and information, and plan to join us for prayer, learning, and action during the Faith Education Hour April 27. Contact Craig Cogger with questions.
For Such a Time as This
Queen Esther in the Bible faces a rapidly changing political environment threatening devastating consequences for her people. She feels powerless, but her uncle Mordecai urges her not to remain silent because God may have guided her to where she is “for such a time as this.” Are you searching for a place to listen to God and share with others about what it may mean to live as a faithful follower of Jesus now, in America, during such a time of this? If so, contact Lynn Longfield. We will convene a group in late May/early June to begin finding our way forward together.
Peace Bumper Stickers
Interested in a bumper sticker that says, “I’m at Peace on the Hilltop”? Cost is $5 toward the emergency assistance fund. See Teresa Jackson in the kitchen on Sundays to purchase one!
Anti-Racism Book Resource Library
The Anti-Racism Work Group has rolled out a book cart with their recommended anti-racism books to borrow for your personal growth and deeper understanding. Check it out on Sundays in the multipurpose room.
Sunday School (Godly Play) and Children’s Worship
We have Sunday School (Godly Play) for children ages 3 through 4th grade in the basement classroom. We are also offering Nursery for younger children at 9:45 a.m. Children’s Worship is offered in person during 11 a.m. worship. Children are invited to the basement classroom (with air purification) after the scripture readings for a special Godly Play Bible story and response time, and then they will return to the sanctuary to join their family for the time of Holy Communion.
Community Bible Study
Pastor John facilitates a Community Bible Study in the church Conference Room and online on Teams (your choice) Thursdays 1-2 pm on the scripture readings for worship the following Sunday. We read scripture, share conversation, and pray as we listen for God to speak to us & through us. Email Pastor John for Teams link.
The Community Bible Study on Thursdays is taking a break for Lent and resume after Easter. Please join Sunday classes and Wednesday evening Lent offerings.
Christians Concerned with Homelessness
Pray for those who are experiencing homelessness on the first Thursday of the month at the Bryant Neighborhood Center 5:30-6:30 pm.
Interested in Baptism?
Interested in Baptism for yourself or a family member? Please speak with Pastor John.
Peace Community Center Events & Information