
Opportunities to Serve
Watchfulness and Response: A Message from Bishop Rick Jaech
Very Important: Please read this letter from our Bishop Rick Jaech sent to all congregations in our synod calling us to watchfulness and response with our new political administration in the US. Many people feel vulnerable and afraid during this time and we’re called to respond as faithful followers of Jesus. Bishop Jaech lists ways we can stand with and for vulnerable people in our nation and world.
Speak Out Against Cutting USAID
Our Christian faith calls us to stand with and for the most vulnerable in our world. Massive cuts in US foreign assistance and USAID put millions of lives at risk globally. Craig Cogger provides this sheet with suggestions to contact our US legislators and pray in order to make a difference.
Join the Gospel Choir
Next rehearsal: Thursday February 20 at 6 pm. Sing in 11 am worship Feb. 23. Choir rehearses 1st, 2nd, 3rd Thursdays, 6 pm. Share the gift of your voice in song! Questions? Contact Michael Green
Fat Tuesday Help
Able to bring juice, fruit, or toppings for our March 4 pancake feed? If so, please connect with or contact Rebecca Foster
Focus Groups – Community Meals
The Focus Group Committee is actively gathering point people who are willing to serve as team leaders for community meals. If you are interested in helping to gather a team and create a meal for the community, please contact Deacon Charissa at or call (253)383-1317. More detailed information will be sent out in the weekly church Constant Contact email. Thanks for considering and thank you to everyone who has lovingly prepared meals over the years.
Peace Cafe and Community Meals
  • Join us for Peace Cafe’ every Friday beginning at 3 pm. Come hang out with us!
  • Join us Community Meals 5:30-6:30 pm every Friday.
If you are looking for a place to volunteer, please email Damishe at or call the office at (253) 383-1317.
Peace Clothing Closet
Peace clothing closet is open Monday & Friday from 6-7 pm. If you would like to donate items, please contact Jeanie Correa at
Peace Lutheran Church Events & Information
Sunday Morning Schedule
  • 8:30 am: Worship
  • 9:30 am: Breakfast & Fellowship
  • 9:45 am: Faith Education Hour
  • 11 am: Worship (also livestreamed), with Refreshments & Fellowship following
Sunday Morning Faith Offerings We offer four in-person opportunities to grow in faith during the Faith Education Hour from 9:45-10:45 am each Sunday:
  • Godly Play for children ages 4 – 3rd grade
  • Explorers class for 4th-6th graders
  • Feet to Faith confirmation class for 7th-8th graders
  • Adult and Older Youth Education class: Feb. 23: Writing Group and Peace Devotional, led by Shari Shelton & Writing Group
Questions? Ask Pastor John.
Adult & Older Youth Sunday 9:45 am Faith Offerings
The Path Toward Peace series highlighting partners in ministry and ministries of Peace Lutheran Church:
  • Mar. 2: Fair Trade – What Is It, and Why Is It Important? led by Teri Jelinek & Pastor John
Clothing Bank and Community Meals
  • Community Resources Meals are served Fridays from 5:30-6:30 pm.
  • Clothing Closet hours are from 6-7 pm on Mondays and Fridays.
Please feel free to call 253-383-1317 or email if you have questions or would like to volunteer.
Celebration of Life for Julius Upshur
The family of Julius Upshur invites you to a gathering on Saturday February 22 at 2 pm in the Peace multipurpose room to give thanks for the life of Julius Upshur, member of Peace who died in January.
Let’s Talk About LOVE!
Join the women’s and men’s ministries Sunday, Feb. 23 right after 11 am worship for a heartfelt conversation and panel about the different forms of love–friendship, family, community, and faith. Come ready to connect, reflect, and celebrate love in all its beautiful expressions! Please bring a dish to share for the potluck lunch.
Fat Tuesday Pancake Dinner and Domino Night!
On Fat Tuesday March 4, the day before Lent begins, come to an intergenerational pancake dinner and domino night from 6-7:30 pm! We’ll eat pancakes with all the fixins, build and topple dominoes, and families will receive free domino sets! All are welcome!
Peace Bumper Stickers
Interested in a bumper sticker that says, “I’m at Peace on the Hilltop”? Cost is $5 toward the emergency assistance fund. See Teresa Jackson in the kitchen on Sundays to purchase one!
Immigration Conversation Presentation
Did you miss the after worship conversation on Sunday February 2 when members of the Anti-Racism Work Group led us in a conversation about new policies about immigration, what ICE can and cannot do, what individuals have the right to, and what strategies we can employ as a church body? Check out the presentation here. More info to come.
Anti-Racism Toolkit
We are working on ways to be intentionally inclusive and equitable within our church community and beyond. The Anti-Racism Work Group has developed this anti-racism toolkit to allow all of us to explore concrete ways to weave anti-racist practices into our church life. Please check it out and learn more about it this fall in Sunday Faith Education classes.
Tacoma Tree Foundation – Green Blocks Hilltop Project
We are grateful to Tacoma Tree Foundation for the tree giveaway they held at Peace. We would like to support them by encouraging our neighbors to respond to the survey about the Green Blocks Hilltop project. This is the first major survey the Foundation has done for Hilltop, and they are hoping to get as much feedback as they can that is representative across Hilltop. They especially want to emphasize responses from people and organizations who live in Hilltop, as that will continue to be their area of greatest focus for the next three years.
Women of Peace
  • Save the Date! Peace Women’s Retreat will be May 2-4, 2025, at SEABECK Conference Center. More details coming in Fall.
Anti-Racism Book Resource Library
The Anti-Racism Work Group has rolled out a book cart with their recommended anti-racism books to borrow for your personal growth and deeper understanding. Check it out on Sundays in the multipurpose room.
Sunday School (Godly Play) and Children’s Worship
We have Sunday School (Godly Play) for children ages 3 through 4th grade in the basement classroom. We are also offering Nursery for younger children at 9:45 a.m. Children’s Worship is offered in person during 11 a.m. worship. Children are invited to the basement classroom (with air purification) after the scripture readings for a special Godly Play Bible story and response time, and then they will return to the sanctuary to join their family for the time of Holy Communion.
2025 Ministry Plan and Annual Report
If you haven’t seen a copy of these documents distributed at the Annual Congregational Meeting, check them out using the links above or find copies on the table outside the sanctuary. God is doing great things in and through Peace Lutheran Church! Thanks be to God!
Community Bible Study
Pastor John facilitates a Community Bible Study in the church Conference Room and online on Teams (your choice) Thursdays 1-2 pm on the scripture readings for worship the following Sunday. We read scripture, share conversation, and pray as we listen for God to speak to us & through us. Email Pastor John for Teams link.
Christians Concerned with Homelessness
Pray for those who are experiencing homelessness on the first Thursday of the month at the Bryant Neighborhood Center 5:30-6:30 pm.
Interested in Baptism?
Interested in Baptism for yourself or a family member? Please speak with Pastor John.
Future Directions of Peace Lutheran Church
We have been asking, as followers of Jesus, how is God calling us to do God’s work, to love God and love our neighbor, at this time and in this place? A foundational commitment to anti-racism and a group of recommendations have arisen from this Future Directions discernment process. Please pray for our church as we seek to live out these Future Directions, and please consider how you will “get in where you fit in.”
Peace Community Center Events & Information
Support for Peace Community Center
The Board of Directors of Peace Community Center asks for our community’s continued care, service to students, prayers, and ongoing financial support as we engage the challenging, but necessary work, of building a more sustainable future for Peace Community Center. Please read the most recent letter from Peace Community Center’s Board of Directors here.
Community Engagement
Faith Action Network Interfaith Advocacy Day
Thursday, February 20, 9 am – 3 pm. Meet at The United Churches of Olympia, 110 11th Ave SE, Olympia, WA 98501, and later move on to the Capitol Building. Sign up now for the best chance to meet with your legislator, build your advocacy skills and strategize together for collective change. The final day for registration is Monday, February 3. Learn more and register here.
Shalom Project – a Partnership with St. Mark’s by the Narrows Lutheran Church
Peace Lutheran Church and St. Mark’s have partnered around a Shalom Project to bring solar panels to the houses we steward and to work on bringing more trees to the Hilltop. Read more and see photos about the solar project and the tree project.
Community Engagement & Outreach Highlights: A Word from Brendan Nelson
  • Peace and St. Mark’s
    • TPU- We received a grant for $50,000 from Tacoma Public Utilities to aid in installing solar panels on our 3 existing properties. The installation will begin on the 1951 Ainsworth home in early 2024.
    • Shalom Project- St. Mark’s Lutheran by the Narrows, and Peace have teamed up together, to listen to our neighbors and to work together for justice and compassion. “Shalom” is the Hebrew word, not simply for “peace” but for a shared wholeness in all facets of life. Together we seek concrete ways to work for economic, social, and racial wholeness, with a special focus on climate justice.
    • Trees for the Hilltop- A healthy tree cover is crucial for our climate wellbeing. Tacoma runs below the national average for tree cover, and the Tacoma map vividly shows how our neighborhoods’ differences in tree coverage align with economic, social, and racial disparity. Peace and St. Mark’s are partnering with the Tacoma Tree Foundation for a major tree-planting endeavor for the Hilltop neighborhood.
  • Grants
    • We have received a grant for $5,000 from Virginia Mason Franciscan Health to support our community resource ministry.
  • Housing
    • The tenant of our 1949 Ainsworth home has vacated as of September 30th. I am working with Alan Kies and an external company to get the house ready for a new family. We hope to have the home ready in the next few months.


2106 South Cushman Ave.
Tacoma, WA 98405

Phone: (253) 383-1317

Fax: (253) 383-0702


